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Near Dark Fest
Friday, September 14
Near Dark Fest Day 2
Rubella Ballet, Lux, Fatamorgana, Arcane, Rubble DJs Agitator & Gary
plus vendors TBA in upstairs mezzanine
Constructed around the enduring nucleus of Sid Truelove and Zillah Minx, Rubella Ballet formed at a gig in 1979 when Crass invited their audience to use their equipment. Having been drawn to the punk movement during its initial stirrings in 1976, Zillah and Sid became increasingly committed to its lifestyle alternatives, taking up residence at a large commune that included the Poison Girls, located near to Crass’ Dial House headquarters.
After a killer demo tape in 2016, Barcelona-based hardcore punk band Lux returned with a proper full-length for 2017. Lux fuses UK82 style pogo punk with the interesting rhythms of anarcho punk. The catchy basslines are super loud in the mix and drenched in chorus, bringing a gothy sensibility as well. Drummer Louis, who has played in No, Good Throb, and a whole slue of other bands, brings a powerful but primitive approach to the drumming, almost tribal, where it basically sounds like he’s muscling through it. The vocals almost have a shrieking, banshee like quality at times, but what makes them distinct is the sense of melody and vocal hooks, which are truly rare in hardcore punk these days.
Fatamorgana es un fenómeno de ilusión óptica que aparece en el horizonte o en el desierto. Creada por la reflexión total de la luz al atravesar capas de aire caliente de diferente densidad provoca la percepción de la imagen invertida.
Synth-punk new wave duo from Barcelona
and more!
The Uptown’s bar, venue, outdoor patio, and restrooms are wheelchair accessible. The upstairs mezzanine is only accessible via a thin flight of stairs.